What Are the Legal Rights of a Stepparent in NJ? If you're a stepparent looking to preserve your relationship with your stepkids after a divorce, read this to learn your legal rights.
How Are Military Pensions Divided in a Divorce? Are you going through a military divorce? If so, read this to learn whether military pensions are subject to equitable distribution.
Is It Hard to Get Sole Custody? If you've decided to end your marriage, you may want sole custody of your children. If this is the case, read on to learn…
Who Gets to Keep the Engagement Ring in a Divorce? If you're going through a divorce, please read this to learn whether your engagement ring is subject to equitable distribution.
Can I Stop Pay Alimony if I Lose My Job in NJ? If you have lost your job and can no longer afford to pay alimony, please read this to learn how we can help you…
How Does Divorce Mediation Handle Asset Division? If you're considering divorce mediation in NJ, please read this to learn how assets are handled during this process.
How Can I Arrange Child Custody for Holidays? Following a divorce, holidays are a difficult thing to navigate. As such, read this to learn how to pick the best holiday custody schedule.
Can I Keep My Health Insurance After a NJ Divorce? If you're covered under your spouse's health insurance, please read this to learn how a divorce will affect your coverage.
When Does Child Support End in NJ? If you've been ordered to pay child support in NJ, please read this to learn when this obligation will end.
Is Mediation a Confidential Process in NJ? Did you know mediation is a confidential process in NJ? If not, please read this to learn more about this private process.