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How Can I Ensure the Best Interests of My Child in a New Jersey Divorce?

Divorce is never easy, especially when children are involved. When a marriage dissolves, parents often worry about the emotional impact the decision will have on their children. Prioritizing your child’s best interests is crucial to aid their recovery from this significant life change. Please continue reading to learn how to ensure your child’s best interests in a divorce and how a competent Ocean County Child Custody Attorney can help you today. 

How does divorce affect children?

Unfortunately, divorce creates emotional turmoil for the entire family. According to research, children struggle the most during the first year or two after divorce, experiencing distress, anger, and anxiety. Therefore, it’s imperative to prioritize your child’s best interests and take the necessary steps to support them. This involves compromising and cooperating with your ex-spouse while deciding the terms that will apply to the termination of your marriage. If you and your spouse cannot agree on the terms that will apply to the termination of your marriage, the responsibility will fall onto a judge’s lap. However, it’s best to make decisions regarding property division, spousal support, child support, and custody outside the courtroom. Reaching a mutual agreement can help avoid future conflict.

What steps can I take to safeguard the best interests of my child during a divorce in New Jersey?

Although co-parenting after a divorce or separation can be challenging, both parents should make every effort to provide their children with the stability, security, and meaningful relationship they deserve. Spending as much time as possible with your children would be best. Children benefit from consistency, so you should actively participate in their lives.

In addition, you should ensure you do not let your negative emotions about your former spouse cloud your judgment. Understandably, divorces can be emotionally overwhelming. However, it would be best not to speak negatively about your former spouse in front of your children; they may feel pressured to pick a side. Refrain from using your children as messengers. When you use your children to convey messages to your co-parent, it can place them in conflict. It’s imperative to put your child’s needs first. Remember to stay focused on the children. Don’t put your children in the middle.

If you’re seeking a divorce, it’s in your best interest to enlist the legal assistance of a knowledgeable Ocean County child custody attorney, who can help you safeguard your children’s best interests. At the Law Office of Sarina Gianna, LLC, we are prepared to guide you through each phase of this process and provide you with quality legal support.