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What are the benefits of a mediated divorce in NJ?
When couples in New Jersey realize that they are headed towards divorce, there is a lot to consider. One such consideration is in regards to the way that the couple will get divorced. Divorcing couples have a few options as to how they may proceed so it is important to do some research beforehand or speak with an experienced attorney that can provide guidance in the best direction for their particular situation. One method of divorce that is quickly gaining a lot of popularity is mediation.
Mediated divorces provide couples with a number of different benefits that other forms of divorce do not. Of course, mediated divorce may not be for all couples because it requires a great deal of cooperation, compromise, and communication with the other side. However, those that can successfully complete the mediation process may be able to take advantage of some of the following benefits:
- Mediated divorces allow the couple to take control over their divorce. The parties get to decide on matters instead of having a judge decide on their behalf.
- Mediated divorces typically take place in a conference room setting as opposed to being in the courtroom.
- Mediated divorces often take significantly less time than other methods of divorce and as a result, they are usually cheaper.
If you are considering divorce, contact our firm today to discuss your options.
Matters of divorce and family law require the attention and skill of an experienced attorney who will fight for your future. If you need a divorce and family law attorney in Ocean County, New Jersey, contact the Law Office of Sarina Gianna, LLC today to schedule a consultation.