How are child relocation cases handled? During the divorce process, these cases also need to decide on child custody arrangements. With these arrangements, it will decide how the child will spend…
How can my assets be decided after divorce? Divorce is one of the hardest decisions that people have to make in their lives. After a divorce is decided upon, more difficult decisions…
What’s the difference between legal and physical custody of a child? After couples decide to get a divorce, there are still many other decisions to make. Depending on the divorce, these decisions may be made…
Can I end mediation after starting the process? During the mediation process, spouses have the option to end the process at any time. Although mediation can be a great way to work…
When does child support end? After a divorce, many decisions need to be made. Parents worry about their children and often are focused on their well-being. Child support tends…
What is a postnuptial agreement? Postnuptial agreements outline the same concepts as a prenuptial agreement does. They are made to clarify what assets and property belong to each spouse. This…
How do I proceed with a divorce? When spouses are facing a difficult time, it can turn into a bigger indication about their marriage. If couples feel as though they are…
What does a prenuptial agreement state? A prenuptial agreement includes a list of all assets that are intended to be split between spouses. It can address inheritance, appreciation of property,…
How does adoption work? As individuals look to start families, adoption may be something they consider. Although the process may be long, it can prove to be rewarding.…
When can modifications be made to divorce agreements? After divorces are finalized, there are different factors involved in the final resolution. These factors can include decisions on child support, child custody, alimony…